Sunday, May 01, 2011

Busy Week Ahead

FreeComicbookDay.jpgAfter years of inertia, this Saturday Tom Taylor and I will be signing books at our local All Star Comics shop here in Melbourne. The friendly guys down there have organised a full day of guests:

The lineup in the shop for the day is:

11am-12pm Matt Dunn and Andy Isaac

12pm-1pm Jeff Cruz and Hugh Freeman

1pm-2pm Tristan Jones and Katie Houghton

2pm-3pm Tom Taylor and Colin Wilson

3pm-4pm Mike Wszelaki

We will be signing books and generally hanging around for most of the afternoon, so if you are in the area, come on down and say hi.

Tom and I will also be running a Comics Masterclass at the Nexus Festival of Comics, Graphic Novels and Moving Image from May 10-12th organised by NMIT at their Fairfield campus. Our Masterclass will be on Tuesday from 3-6pm - open to the public - We will also be participating in a Sequential Art and Narrative Panel Discussion with Bruce (The Sacrifice) Mutard and noted film illustrator and storyboard artist David Russell.
